Saturday, September 20, 2008

My Day ~ Sugar ~ My Room


Today has gone really well so far. We've gotten a lot done, which is always nice. I love things to be organized and neat, so when I started picking up the feed buckets and the bicycles that were sitting helter-skelter around our shed, I felt like I needed to do more than the usual picking up. I got the kids to help me carry all the cinder blocks from the yard over to the fence so they could be stacked, and then Thomas, Daddy, and I cleaned up all the fence wire that was on the side of the shed. It looks much neater now.

Then I came inside to find Mama baking... ah. I'm pretty good friends with my sweet tooth, so when she bakes, it's a catch 22. I like the sweets, but I don't like the fact that after I indulge in sweets, there are that many more calories that I'll have to work off. I have a considerable amount of willpower.... but sugar is yummy... LOL

I worked on my room some more too. My room is constantly evolving. Right now, the curtains are dark purple and they reach the floor, with white valances. I have black-and-white pictures of Paris on the walls, and they contrast well with all the colors on my pillows, bedspread, etc. :-) What can I say? I like things to 'pop', and I like decorating!

Anyway, enough of all that boring stuff.


Friday, September 19, 2008

Talk Like A Pirate Day


In honor of this most auspicious occasion that celebrates the wondrous habit of talking in oftentimes un-understandable gibberish, I have taken a quiz to see how much of a pirate I truly am. Here are the results:

You Are 60% Pirate

Garrrr, yer a true pirate down to yer bones.
Yer an originial sea dog, an' ye certainly have earned yer sea legs.
No one be goin' to accuse ye o' bein' a landlubber. Ye got yer eye on the prize, an' yer willin' to go pillagin' fer some booty.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Wow, I'm lazy about posting. Sorry! I know it's a lame excuse, but I have been busy.

It's finally cooling off here. Yay! I made apple quick for desert on the first day it was cool. I don't think I'd made it before, but it turned out tasting really good.

School is going well. I've been practing piano a lot more, because Daddy told me that I was going to learn how to play an instrument. :-) Since I'm in Level 4, and there are six levels, I'm not a super-long way away from finishing. I'm glad that he wants me to learn, because I really do like playing. It's just that I can be a slacker about practicing. And I don't really like admitting that!

I like this time of year because it means over the next few months, I'll see several members of my family who I don't see very often. Granny and Grandpa will be here in a few weeks for a couple of days. Then Grammy and Pappy will be here up until Christmas, if they have the same schedule they've had in the past. A few days after Christmas, Granny will come up again, as well as Aunt Penny and maybe Sushi. :-) So that will all be fun.

Anyway, I need to go. I'll try to post again soon.... no promises though.
