Thursday, October 30, 2008

I can't think of a good title. ☺


   Just a quick note today. I'm in the middle of rearranging my room, (Noting major, like moving my bed or bookshelf.), and I need to finish that.

   We went to the mall on Tuesday. It was a lot of fun! We only go there three or four times a year, because it's a good bit away from where we live. We also went to a music store, a leather store, Publix, Target, and a restuarant for lunch. Since Daddy's on vacation, he went with us, which was great! I like it better when we're all together. I couldn't stand being in a family where everyone's separate, each person doing their own thing with barely any interaction with the others. Ew. I mean, I like being alone sometimes, but I get tired of myself after awhile. I need other people... mainly my family.

   My new favorite song is To Bring You Back by Paul Alan. (It's on my playlist; the very last song.) I love the chorus:

"And I left the ninety-nine to find the one
and you're the one
I walked a thousand miles in this desert sun
Only to bring you back"
   Okay, now I'm off to work on my room. I hope I'll be done before too long!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

"A thousand miles seems pretty far, but they've got plains, and trains, and cars. I'd walk to you if I had no other way...."


    On Wednesday I got to try horseback riding for the first time. It was great! I still don't understand horse craziness, but I can understand why people love riding so much. And it was great to spend time with my friends Cami, Becky, and Charlotte. Surprisingly, I wasn't very sore at all the next day!

    I'm in a total holiday mood now. I think it started about a week ago. I'm going to be like this - a house-decorating, cookie-making, hot-cocoa-drinking, festive holiday person - until January. I love holidays.  :-)  I know most teenagers probably aren't like that, but I can't help it! On Tuesday, the girls and I drank hot cocoa and watched Christmas shows that were taped 5 or 6 years ago. The kicker is that it was in the 70s outside!

    Jane Eyre is still going great, but I'm not as overjoyed with it as I was. It's still one of my favorites.... I just wish things were going differently. I like happily-ever-after, and right now, it's not so happy. Jane just found Hannah, Diana, Mary, and St. John. (I still don't get why he's called St. John. He's just a man who's a minister.) But anyway, I skipped to the end and found out that it ends the way I want, so I'm not too disappointed!

    I think I started a trend in my family.  LOL  Now both my Grammy and my Granny have FaceBooks, and so does my Aunt Penny. Mama and Thomas do too. I need to work on Sushi....  :-D  So now we can all waste time on FaceBook! Yay!

    We watched Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed last night. I thought it was really good! I was amazed to see how the Dawkins guy went from completely disagreeing with Intelligent Design to saying that it was a plausible theory! Oh yeah, and this was his "plausible theory": He thinks that Earth was "seeded" by "intelligent beings from another planet". Wow. So now we were planted by passing aliens? I'm sorry to anybody who agrees with that idea, but it's absurdly stupid! God has to be completely taken out of things, but then the Godless theories can't answer questions. So there still has to be a more intelligent creator, (Or there's always those random alien gardeners). Why not believe that that Creator is God?

    A few parts were hard to watch. The scenes in the asylum and the concentration camp from WW II sent chills down my spine. Just like scenes from movies and books set in concentration camps from WW II always do. And the parts with Dawkins, (I think his first name was Richard? Not sure.), were especially bad, to me.

    I put a bunch of new music on my playlist. As well as this new fall-ish background. I don't know how long it will stay like this.  LOL


Oh yeah, and my title is from 'Hey There Delilah', by the Plain White Tees.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

I decided to write a new post, since I'm sure that people are going crazy waiting for a new one..... not. :-D


    Are you tired of my last post yet?  :-) 

    I spent the last two nights at my friend's house, which was really fun! (Thanks for having me over, Laura!)

    My sister Natalie got her ears pierced in August, and she was able to take out the first studs on Thursday. She had to leave out her earring in one ear on Friday, because it was hurting her, and we wanted to keep any infection away with cleaner. Apparently, the earring was out for too long, because the piercing started to close up! Oops. Just a minute ago, Mama poked the earring back through, and I distracted Nan by telling her that if she didn't get it poked through, she'd be a pirate with one gold hoop, and we'd get her a fake wooden leg and a parrot named Fred, et cetera.

    Granny and Grandpa got here on the 10th, and they left on the 17th. Their visit was very nice. It was good to see them both!

    I'm really looking forward to Christmas. I mean, I look forward to Christmastime every year, but this year will be Fun. Every other year has been fun too, but... you know what I mean! This year, we get to have Grammy and Pappy here, and - I just found this out a few days ago - we get Auntie Nina as well! Yay!  :-D  It's awesome that's she coming down here. I prefer holidays with more people around. The more the merrier and all that. Plus, Granny, Aunt Penny. and Sushi are coming up right after Christmas.  :-D

    I'm to the part in Jane Eyre where, (If you've never read the book then don't read this any further!), Jane and Mr. Rochester are getting married. I love the part that says that religion was far from Jane's mind at that time; that she couldn't see the Creator because she was so blinded by and in love with His creation. The way Charlotte Bronte wrote that passage just seemed like a really beautiful way describe something like that, to put in words the way we can become blind to the Lord because we get distracted by His creation.

    Right now, I love the song Lose My Soul by TobyMac. It's on my playlist at the bottom of my blog, if you want to hear it.

    I need to go now; we're eating dinner in a little bit. We're having pizza and watching Miss Pettigew Lives For a Day. I'll let you know how it is.


Friday, October 3, 2008

Oh my! A post! *grin*


Sorry for not updating! I'm bad about that, as you can tell. :-)

On, you can register to win a purse! There are some really cute ones! I picked the blue hobo bag. :-) And posting that, I earn 25 more entries! Yay! LOL

I've been listening to "Jane Eyre" on my iPod. I love it, and I'm only on Chapter 5! Jane reminds me of myself, in some ways. I'm generally the girl in the background, reading a book, or not saying much, though not for all the same reasons as Jane. (Unless you get me around certain people!) I like Bessie, even if she is harsh sometimes. As for the Reed children? They're the definition of spoiled brats! And Mrs. Reed was so mean!

(By the way, if you have iTunes, you can go to the iTunes store, search for "Lit2Go", and it will bring up several audio books that you can download for free. They're good quality, and that fact that they're free is really nice; some audiobooks on iTunes cost $20!)

I'm reading "Wives and Daughters" as well. I really like the movie, and the book is just as good! I'm finding that I like classic books a lot. There's so much more substance in them, and the use of words is amazing. I wish people still talked and wrote like that! You get so much more out of the story, and you can paint a clear picture in your mind of the scenes, the people, etc.

Tonight is pizza and a movie night. We're watching "Nicholas Nickleby". It sounds interesting. Hopefully it will turn out to be very good!

Tomorrow we're going grocery shopping. I need to buy some blue jeans, because I only have one pair now. We're also going to the library. They have "Funnyface" in now, which I had reserved, so I'll get that. I'm hoping that the book I wanted to get last week will be in too.

I need to go; Mary is dancing around the house, waiting for me to be done!
