Sunday, October 19, 2008

I decided to write a new post, since I'm sure that people are going crazy waiting for a new one..... not. :-D


    Are you tired of my last post yet?  :-) 

    I spent the last two nights at my friend's house, which was really fun! (Thanks for having me over, Laura!)

    My sister Natalie got her ears pierced in August, and she was able to take out the first studs on Thursday. She had to leave out her earring in one ear on Friday, because it was hurting her, and we wanted to keep any infection away with cleaner. Apparently, the earring was out for too long, because the piercing started to close up! Oops. Just a minute ago, Mama poked the earring back through, and I distracted Nan by telling her that if she didn't get it poked through, she'd be a pirate with one gold hoop, and we'd get her a fake wooden leg and a parrot named Fred, et cetera.

    Granny and Grandpa got here on the 10th, and they left on the 17th. Their visit was very nice. It was good to see them both!

    I'm really looking forward to Christmas. I mean, I look forward to Christmastime every year, but this year will be Fun. Every other year has been fun too, but... you know what I mean! This year, we get to have Grammy and Pappy here, and - I just found this out a few days ago - we get Auntie Nina as well! Yay!  :-D  It's awesome that's she coming down here. I prefer holidays with more people around. The more the merrier and all that. Plus, Granny, Aunt Penny. and Sushi are coming up right after Christmas.  :-D

    I'm to the part in Jane Eyre where, (If you've never read the book then don't read this any further!), Jane and Mr. Rochester are getting married. I love the part that says that religion was far from Jane's mind at that time; that she couldn't see the Creator because she was so blinded by and in love with His creation. The way Charlotte Bronte wrote that passage just seemed like a really beautiful way describe something like that, to put in words the way we can become blind to the Lord because we get distracted by His creation.

    Right now, I love the song Lose My Soul by TobyMac. It's on my playlist at the bottom of my blog, if you want to hear it.

    I need to go now; we're eating dinner in a little bit. We're having pizza and watching Miss Pettigew Lives For a Day. I'll let you know how it is.



Anonymous said...

Fun! I was very impacted by that part of Jane Eyre, also. And please let me know about Miss Pettigrew...I was thinking there were "bad' parts in it. Eager to hear your opinion!


Anonymous said...

Aww, I love Jane Eyre! :)

Thanks for the info on Wives and Daughters and North and South. I haven't seen North and South yet because I'd like to read the book first (but I will let you know when I do both! :) ) but I did enjoy watching Wives and Daughters a lot. You are right it is very true to the book. I loved how they used so many of the same lines--my favorite, especially, at the end about Roger bringing the wasp's nest. Hehe!
I did enjoy the movie a lot though. I just love the character of Roger so much. He's so different!