Sunday, November 16, 2008

La di da


   Today was so much fun! My friend Anna came over yesterday evening and spent the night, and then she and I went over to our other friends' house this morning. I ended up spending all day with Anna, Cami, Becky, Charlotte, and Nanny, which was great.  ☺  Cami made a skirt from a pair of jeans and had everyone sign it. She made one for Nanny awhile ago, and she said she'd make me one too. Yay!  ☺  It ends up looking really cool, covered with signatures and drawings.

   Do y'all like my new template? I wanted something holiday-themed, but not necessarily Thanksgiving or Christmas. Just a theme to celebrate that the holidays are coming.

   I'm playing with the Hair Makeover Tool. I'm growing my hair longer, but in the meantime, I want some layers or something. I can't decide. I think my problem is that I really want it longer again, but I don't want to wait for it to grow five or six more inches. My hair grows fast, but.... still... that's awhile to wait. So I want to get it cut differently, but I don't know how.

   My goodness, I sound so shallow! All I can talk about is visiting with friends and my hair. I promise, I did do something productive since I posted last! Not that spending time with friends isn't productive, but... I don't want my life to ever be just fun and games all the time, shallow and fickle, because there's way more to life than that. Plus, people who never work or do anything hard drive me crazy. They just annoy me. ☺  It's like, "Go do something! Help someone, think about something other than having a good time!"

   Anyhoo, I'll write more later.



Anonymous said...

You, my dear, are not shallow in any way, shape or form. You are the most giving, loving, thoughtful, helpful, wonderful person ever.
And I'm not just saying that cause I'm biased.....I truly mean it. You are the sister I wish I had been blessed with! :)

Ugh...dogs are barking....gotta go see what's bothering them....

I love you!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Becca! I like your new template. And I don't think it's shallow of you to talk about hair and friends - that's girl stuff! Perfectly acceptable. :-)

Have a blessed day!