Thursday, August 21, 2008

North & South ~ Birthday party ~ Re-arranging


I'm already wanting to change my background. :) I can't help it!

We watched North & South over last night and the night before. It's broken into four long episodes, so we watched two each night. I loved it! Now I really want to read the book.

Tomorrow is Natalie and Thomas' joint birthday party. All but one of Thomas' friends are spending the night; our house will be overrun with boys and airsoft guns! None of Natalie's friends are staying the night.

I re-arranged my room. Everyone thought I was strange for doing it, but I hadn't re-arranged in a few months. Honestly, that's more than enough time in between! I traded beds with Mary. So now she has my trundle bed, and I have her wooden-frame bed. I put lots of black-and-white photos of Paris on my wall, and it turned out quite nicely, if I do say so myself!

I need to go now if I want to get this blog "re-arranged"!


Friday, August 15, 2008

Library ~ Tomatoes ~ Birthdays ~ Fudgsicles ~ Thoughts


We went to the library on Wednesday, and I saw that they had gotten several Elizabeth Gaskell books. Yay! I've wanted to read Wives & Daughters ever since I saw the movie. I had too many books, (Too many books? Is there such a thing?), and so I couldn't get any more. But next time I go to the library, I fully intend to get Wives & Daughters, North & South, and maybe a few others. Mama checked out the North & South movie without knowing that it was made from a story I wanted to read; I thought it was neat the way that had happened.

Today we are going to go to our friends' house to get some tomatoes. They asked if we'd like some, and we do. :) I'll get to see Laura, which is, as always, great!

Daddy is working from 1-10 today, so we have him here all morning. :D

Thomas and Natalie's birthday parties are coming up. With Thomas and his friends, there will be 10 boys running around with airsoft guns. Natalie and her friends will be probably be dressing up, or jumping on the trampoline.

I love Fudgsicles. Wow, that was random. :) Natalie doesn't like to eat store-bought ice cream, because it gives her a stomachache. So Mama bought some Fudgsicles for her, and all of us kids are eating them.

I wish my blog were more..... interesting. :) Part of me is all proper writing and part of me is like "Oh, whatever. I'll just be as random as I can." And that can translate into everything, not just blogging. I don't really know which part of myself is the "real me", and which part is what I've learned to be. Maybe they're one and the same? As my friends can tell you, I'm different once I get to know someone! LOL Who knows. I guess maybe I'll know someday! For now, I'm content not to.

I'm off to see if Mama needs help with anything.


Friday, August 8, 2008

Pizza night ~ Quiz results


I'm doing pretty well at posting, I think. :-) A second post already! That is, if you call this a "real post"..... I love doing quizzes, so, mostly, I'm posting those. But I promise I'll give a "real post" sometime soon!

Tonight is pizza-and-a-movie night. We've been having pizza on Friday night for as long as I can remember; I believe it started when my younger brother was a baby. Since he's nearly 13, it's been going on awhile! We change it to Saturday or Sunday night sometimes when our schedule is a little crazy, but usually, it's Friday. Mama makes her own pizza, which is delicious, and even if the movie is corny or a little on the weird end, it's a lot of fun. :-)

So, onto the quiz results! Note: I am both 60s and 70s, because I need both my hairbrush and my sunglasses. The two are of the same importance.

What Your Taste in Music Says About You

Your musical tastes are intense and rebellious.
You are intelligent... but in a very unconventional way.
You are curious about the world. You love doing something new.
In fact, you enjoy taking risks and doing things most people would shy away from.
You are very physical. It's likely that you're athletic, but not into team sports.
You have the soul of an artist. Beauty and harmony are important to you.

What Does Your Taste in Music Say About You?

You are a 1960s Diva

Bold dresses, funky boots, bright patterns.

You have an eye for fashion - and make trends timeless!

You are a 1970s Diva

Bell bottoms, platform shoes, wide belts, and tons of polyester.
You've got a bit of that hippie vibe going on, but you're hip enough to pull it off!

You Are a Spork

You have a playful, eccentric sense of humor.
You are creative. You see the world in bold colors.
You are a dabbler. You love to experiment.
You aren't an expert in anything, but you know a little about everything.

What Utensil Are You?
See, now wasn't that fun?

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

New blog ~ Bio

Hello all!

I like this new blog - and I know it's horribly lazy, but I really like being able to get nice templates from another website, and then just put the code in. Like I said, it's lazy, but I like it. :-)

I'm sure most of you who read this are coming from my old blog at HSB, but for those of you who aren't, (And just because it seems right to do so, with this being a new blog and all), I'll tell you a wee little bit about myself. I'm a fifteen-year-old homeschooler, and I'm the oldest of four. My faith in Jesus is really important to me, and I try my best every day to keep Him in the center of my life, right where He deserves to be! My family is the best, (For me anyway), and I love them all an incredibly huge amount. My friends are also great, and although I don't get to see them very often, I love them all dearly. I love music, and I'm working on an awesome playlist for my blog in between typing this. (I like multi-tasking.)

I think that makes a pretty good bio. :-)

More later, ma cheries. I promise!
