Thursday, August 21, 2008

North & South ~ Birthday party ~ Re-arranging


I'm already wanting to change my background. :) I can't help it!

We watched North & South over last night and the night before. It's broken into four long episodes, so we watched two each night. I loved it! Now I really want to read the book.

Tomorrow is Natalie and Thomas' joint birthday party. All but one of Thomas' friends are spending the night; our house will be overrun with boys and airsoft guns! None of Natalie's friends are staying the night.

I re-arranged my room. Everyone thought I was strange for doing it, but I hadn't re-arranged in a few months. Honestly, that's more than enough time in between! I traded beds with Mary. So now she has my trundle bed, and I have her wooden-frame bed. I put lots of black-and-white photos of Paris on my wall, and it turned out quite nicely, if I do say so myself!

I need to go now if I want to get this blog "re-arranged"!



Brooke said...

I can't believe you moved from HSB once again! Girl, can you ever make up your mind? J/K You really crack me up :-)


Brooke said...

Hey Becca!
I really like your background. Please, don't change it!! It's so cute.

Ok, now I am confused. This blog is on blogger, but I thought your blog was on Word Press, and are you still blogging on HSB? Which one are you at? lol

Hope you've been well. Have you been writing regularly on Alycia's new forum?

God bless,

Anonymous said...

I am going to have to check out Gaskell's books now. Maybe my September reading list? :)

Anonymous said...

Hi becca! Thanks for your sweet email. I like your new blog. It's very cute. I hope your siblings had a good birthday party. My brother has never had a sleepover with more than 2 friends, thank goodness. I would be scared for my house if my brother had even five 10 and under boys for a whole night! well, I have to go,
Miss Kitty

Brooke said...

Hey Becca!
You don't like to bog much anymore? Wow, that's an odd thing for you to say! ;) Things do change though!

I think that's really neat that you hope to pursue a degree online. Are you still considering studying to be a mid-wife? I remember you saying you wanted to at one time.

I know you have several blogs, but which one do you blog at the most (when you do blog?) I am not really sure which one is your primary blogging place! :) I think this one is cute...

Hope you're having a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Love your new template! Purty!

Thanks for praying for my mom =)

Lol I hope you had fun dodging those airsoft guns. Boys...

Your room sounds so cool! I've wanted to redo my room with pictures of Ireland.
