Saturday, September 20, 2008

My Day ~ Sugar ~ My Room


Today has gone really well so far. We've gotten a lot done, which is always nice. I love things to be organized and neat, so when I started picking up the feed buckets and the bicycles that were sitting helter-skelter around our shed, I felt like I needed to do more than the usual picking up. I got the kids to help me carry all the cinder blocks from the yard over to the fence so they could be stacked, and then Thomas, Daddy, and I cleaned up all the fence wire that was on the side of the shed. It looks much neater now.

Then I came inside to find Mama baking... ah. I'm pretty good friends with my sweet tooth, so when she bakes, it's a catch 22. I like the sweets, but I don't like the fact that after I indulge in sweets, there are that many more calories that I'll have to work off. I have a considerable amount of willpower.... but sugar is yummy... LOL

I worked on my room some more too. My room is constantly evolving. Right now, the curtains are dark purple and they reach the floor, with white valances. I have black-and-white pictures of Paris on the walls, and they contrast well with all the colors on my pillows, bedspread, etc. :-) What can I say? I like things to 'pop', and I like decorating!

Anyway, enough of all that boring stuff.



Brooke said...

Hey Becca!
I just LOVE the season fall! Winter is not my favorite but fall is one I always enjoy. I love the clean air, colored leaves, and cool breezes.

I like things organized as well. Clutter makes me aggravated! lol

Your room sounds very pretty. My sister wants to go to Paris one day and has a Paris clock in her room. Are you studying French for your foreign language?

Thank you! I am glad that you like the new verses from Proverbs on my blog. Aren't they lovely? Miss Jocelyn made them and if you'll click on them you can see the whole page of choices she has that anyone can add to their blog. You should go get some :)

I see you added me on your "blog following" list or whatever you call that new thing. That's very kind of you. I saw that and it made me smile! I am honored :)

Hope you're having a blessed Sunday.
What are your plans for this week?

God bless,

Anonymous said...

lol about the sweets... I can so identify.


1)I get what you were saying...
2)Thanks about my room..I'd let you borrow books if I could! lol
3)Yeah, Terabithia isn't high on my list...
4)Today I got even more CDs... Rush of Fools' new one, and Downhere's new one. I'm hoping to get the BarlowGirl one later this week... :D
5)Wouldn't ya know it? My cat scratched me the next day... down the side of my hand. I was holding her while my mom was putting a bandage on her paw.. you should read about it on Mamma's blog..
6)Thanks about the template. I like, it too. :) I love autumn and I'm so glad it's finally here!
7)Your new template is cute, too! I like the color combo.

Gotta run.. we're watching Pirates 3 :D Tata!

Anonymous said...

I love to organize too, just got a new box to go under my bed and spent a pleasant hour singing and rearranging my birthday cards, scrapbooking supplies, and other memoirs, into boxes under my bed.
I wish my room could change. My furniture is very huge and heavy, and my room is decorated for good. I would love wall space, to put up pictures of me and my friends, but I have no such space. Oh well. I would love to see pictures of your room sometime!
Miss Kitty

Anonymous said...

Becca! I like your new blog! Your template is so pretty. I updated my blogroll with your new link. :-)

So how have you been?! I'm sorry for not commenting in so long. Hope you're doing well!


Anonymous said...

Hiya, Becca!
Oh, your room sounds pretty. I have a beautiful balck and white poster of a window looking out towards Paris in my room. I love it!

You told me you really liked Elizabeth Gaskell, right? I jst read Wives and Daughters. I think you said you had seen both Wives and Daughter and North and South movies, right? Would you reccommend them? I assume they are pretty "clean", anything I should know about? I really want to see them!

Anonymous said...

Hi becca, I like a brown one with buckles, and a black one best. I hope i win, but I doubt it =P
I know I do need to post soon, hopefully tonight I might have the time!
Miss Kitty