Thursday, October 30, 2008

I can't think of a good title. ☺


   Just a quick note today. I'm in the middle of rearranging my room, (Noting major, like moving my bed or bookshelf.), and I need to finish that.

   We went to the mall on Tuesday. It was a lot of fun! We only go there three or four times a year, because it's a good bit away from where we live. We also went to a music store, a leather store, Publix, Target, and a restuarant for lunch. Since Daddy's on vacation, he went with us, which was great! I like it better when we're all together. I couldn't stand being in a family where everyone's separate, each person doing their own thing with barely any interaction with the others. Ew. I mean, I like being alone sometimes, but I get tired of myself after awhile. I need other people... mainly my family.

   My new favorite song is To Bring You Back by Paul Alan. (It's on my playlist; the very last song.) I love the chorus:

"And I left the ninety-nine to find the one
and you're the one
I walked a thousand miles in this desert sun
Only to bring you back"
   Okay, now I'm off to work on my room. I hope I'll be done before too long!


Anonymous said...

Hey.. I have like a ton to say, so let me see if I can remember it all...

1) RYC: Thanks! City of Ember was very good. I liked it. But I didn't read the book, so I don't know how it compares.

2) Cool about horseback riding.. I went on my 10th birthday and 16th birthday...and once inbetween. :) I like it, but not quite as much as my Mamma..and my best friend is horsecrazy. She even works at a stable part-time in exchange for some lessons.

3) I like Third Day- their new CD is ok..I only like a few songs from it right now, but little by little it's growing on me.

4) So about Jane Eyre... I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU LOOKED IT AHEAD!!! I didn't even look ahead!!! lol.. But I hope you enjoy the rest of it :)

5) LOL about your room.. I haven't rearranged mine in a while.. but I really like it right now. I think we're going to take out the stationary bike because I don't use it much in there.. if it's down in the living room at lest it'll be near the TV, which means more motivation ;). In its place will go a Christmas tree.. a full size one, most likely - I have *that* many long-legged ornaments this year.. I can't wait to decorate!!!

Well, that's all I can think of right now.... have fun with your Dad this week!! Tata!

Anonymous said...

hi becca!
Im glad you are having a good time. I wish my dad could just take leave off of work. He is self employed, and always on call. He has to leave on Christmas sometimes!
But I like it when all my family is together too.
Im happy today, it's raining! Yay, but I hope it doesn't ruin our church's harvest festival, well, I have to go do my school work! Ttyl!!