Saturday, October 25, 2008

"A thousand miles seems pretty far, but they've got plains, and trains, and cars. I'd walk to you if I had no other way...."


    On Wednesday I got to try horseback riding for the first time. It was great! I still don't understand horse craziness, but I can understand why people love riding so much. And it was great to spend time with my friends Cami, Becky, and Charlotte. Surprisingly, I wasn't very sore at all the next day!

    I'm in a total holiday mood now. I think it started about a week ago. I'm going to be like this - a house-decorating, cookie-making, hot-cocoa-drinking, festive holiday person - until January. I love holidays.  :-)  I know most teenagers probably aren't like that, but I can't help it! On Tuesday, the girls and I drank hot cocoa and watched Christmas shows that were taped 5 or 6 years ago. The kicker is that it was in the 70s outside!

    Jane Eyre is still going great, but I'm not as overjoyed with it as I was. It's still one of my favorites.... I just wish things were going differently. I like happily-ever-after, and right now, it's not so happy. Jane just found Hannah, Diana, Mary, and St. John. (I still don't get why he's called St. John. He's just a man who's a minister.) But anyway, I skipped to the end and found out that it ends the way I want, so I'm not too disappointed!

    I think I started a trend in my family.  LOL  Now both my Grammy and my Granny have FaceBooks, and so does my Aunt Penny. Mama and Thomas do too. I need to work on Sushi....  :-D  So now we can all waste time on FaceBook! Yay!

    We watched Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed last night. I thought it was really good! I was amazed to see how the Dawkins guy went from completely disagreeing with Intelligent Design to saying that it was a plausible theory! Oh yeah, and this was his "plausible theory": He thinks that Earth was "seeded" by "intelligent beings from another planet". Wow. So now we were planted by passing aliens? I'm sorry to anybody who agrees with that idea, but it's absurdly stupid! God has to be completely taken out of things, but then the Godless theories can't answer questions. So there still has to be a more intelligent creator, (Or there's always those random alien gardeners). Why not believe that that Creator is God?

    A few parts were hard to watch. The scenes in the asylum and the concentration camp from WW II sent chills down my spine. Just like scenes from movies and books set in concentration camps from WW II always do. And the parts with Dawkins, (I think his first name was Richard? Not sure.), were especially bad, to me.

    I put a bunch of new music on my playlist. As well as this new fall-ish background. I don't know how long it will stay like this.  LOL


Oh yeah, and my title is from 'Hey There Delilah', by the Plain White Tees.

1 comment:

H0MEFree said...

Hey Becca,

Long time no "see".
I am glad to hear you are getting busy and not spending as much time blogging. It can sure suck up all your time!
I have thought about watching expelled, but now you have given me some things to consider first- and I appreciate that. Thank you.