Monday, December 8, 2008

Ramblings about how I have cold hands and other stuff


   My hands are really cold right now. Of course, my hands are always cold, (Daddy asks me alot if I've stuck them in a freezer!  ), but I usually don't feel it so very much. Besides, I'd look like a dork if I wore gloves all the time, and you can't open doors or work on anything slippery or delicate while wearing gloves. Oh well. I love winter anyway!

   I cleaned my room and put up Christmas lights along the perimeter of the celing this afternoon. It looks like there are black vines crawling on my walls, but once it's dark, they should look neat.

   We're breaking from school after tomorrow. We have Christmas crafts and planning to do, and since we're homeschoolers, I can work on school in July if I need to. Not that I want to still be doing school in July!

   This post was going to be much longer, but Mama told me to be done with the computer. Ta-ta!


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