Monday, December 29, 2008

"... Oh what can it mean, to a daydream believer and a homecoming queen..."


    I hope everyone had a GREAT Christmas! Ours was awesome. Lots of fun, and good times. We got a Wii! Yay!  :D  It was fun to see Grammy, Pappy, and Aunt Nina unwrap the scarves I had made for them. I love giving presents.

    It's been so nice having some of our family here. Aunt Nina is leaving today, and her visit has been lots of fun. We went driving around where the Amish live on Saturday, and we got fried pies. Yummmm. I'll miss having her here, but hopefully she can come visit again before too terribly long.

   Granny and Grandpa surprised us by arriving yesterday! We didn't know they were coming up. It's nice to see them again. Granny brought up two huge suitcases full of lots of clothes and some shoes for me from Aunt Penny. I was so happy! My whole room looks like a closet right now, but that's okay. They also brought us some mullet, (which is a type of fish). We haven't had mullet in a few years, so that was a treat. I wanted a piece of key lime pie with it, but we have an overabundance of chocolate right now, so more suar is the last thing I need! I'd prefer to still fit in my jeans by the time the candy is gone, thank you very much. Then again, I can burn it all off on the Wii Fit...  LOL

   I re-did my blog, as you can see. All new music, too. Sorry to anyone who doesn't like country music. But I do like it. *grin* You can always turn it off..... or you can leave it on and maybe you'll find a new song to love? Who knows.  :)

   I'm not sure what we're doing for New Year's Eve. I might be spending the night at a friend's house, if Daddy says it's okay. It'd be nice to go over again; ee haven't seen each other for more than a few minutes since the day after Thanksgiving.

   Oh yeah, and my title is thanks to my love for "Daydream Believer" by the Monkees. I danced to that song in one of my recitals... such fun.  :)

   It's about time to leave, so I need to leave. Ciao!



Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you for liking that song! It is one of my favorites. :-D

Anonymous said...

Hey! I have finally found a spare moment to visit some blogs (which I am very happy about) so I thought I'd give you a write. Of course the only reason I have time to do so is because I recently had mouth surgery and have spent the past few days lying on the couch watching movies and eating pudding!

I'm glad you had a nice Christmas! My family got a Wii to, it was a complete suprise! It seems that everybody is getting a Wii these days, I know three other families who have gotten one for Christmas. Wii Fit is so much fun even though I'm really bad at some of the balance games!

I love your playlist! Have you heard of 33miles? They are my new favorite band because they sing Christian songs but sound country, sort of like Rascal Flats. It's sort of an interesting combination!

I hope you're doing well! Can't wait to hear from you!


Anonymous said...

I like your new style! Glad you had a nice Christmas :) Sorry I haven't commented much lately. I've not been in much of a bloggy mood lately, lol. But I'm getting back to it, I think... I awarded you :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Becca-
It was so nice to hear from you. Which blog is your main blog now, this one or your HSB?