Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A really overdue post that talks mostly about driving and how lame I am when it comes to wanting to drive. Oh, and my hair.


   Sorry it's taken me so long to blog! Eesh! I feel bad about neglecting anybody who still comes here.... not that there are many of you, I'm sure. If any at all. And now I just feel worse.  LOL!

   I cut my hair last week. I liked it. I thought that if I cut it more, I'd like it more. (There's some real mature, grown-up-sounding logic, eh? ☺) Turns out, I was wrong. My hair is weird, and one side curls under while the other curls out, looking like a ski slope or something. Usually, my hair is long enough to compensate. After I was through with it... well, it just curled like there was no tomorrow. So when we went to town today, my dear Mum made appointments at the salon for me, as well as her, Thomas, and Daddy. I've always wanted to try short hair, just once. And so I thought that if I was getting it cut, I'd get it all chopped off, just for the fun of it.

   It actually looks pretty good. Of course, that pesky curl will require flat-ironing every time my hair gets wet, but there's really no other up-keep to my hair now, so it's won't be a problem.

   I'm so ready to wear shorts again! Or at least capris. I don't want it to be hot outside... just not cold. Please?

   My family, (From both sides!), will be visiting soon. Yay! Grammy, Pappy, Aunt Nina, and Uncle Todd will be here in about a month. They'll be here for my birthday, (SIXTEENTH!). Then, Granny, Aunt Penny, and Sushi will be here!

   Sixteen sounds kind of.... weird. I'm not sure why. I don't feel almost-16. I really don't feel any age in particular. And it isn't like I'll be rushing off to get my liscense immediatley. I am a wimp, and I only like driving small cars. I prefer feeling like I have some semblance of control over a vehicle. Since we don't have anything small, I haven't driven much. It's lame, I know. I can't help it. So, I'd like to re-take the permit test, and get that again. I don't think I'll have to have it for year, since I'll be sixteen. And then, I'll be brave and drive the Suburban, and be able to get my liscense.

   I like the fact that driving can get me places, and it's kind of cool..... but I don't really enjoy it a huge amount. I'm not bad at it, (After all, I've only kind-of crashed once! ☺), but I wouldn't jump up and say, "Yes! I want to drive! Pick me!", or anything like that. I hope the man I marry likes driving, because he can do all of it, and I will be perfectly content.  ☺

   And now, as a grand finale, the thing you've all been waiting for:

   A quiz! Yay!  :-D

You Should Spend Your Summer in Europe

You're in to almost all forms of culture - art, music, architecture, food...
And spending a summer at the beach sounds pretty darn boring to you.
So head off to Europe, where you can have your tiramisu (and even eat it on the beach!)

   YAY! Although a beach does sound really, really nice.... but I would ditch it to go to Europe.  ☺

You Are an Afternoon Person

You can find energy any time of the day ... or night!
You prefer to be out and about when most other people are.
Very early mornings or very late nights aren't really your thing.
You're practically solar powered, and the afternoon is when do best.

   That sounds about right. I'm not into early mornings... and my brain doesn't let me stay up super late without a huge fight that I almost always lose. Just ask Laura!

   There. Two quizzes instead of just one.  ☺

Hugs & Kisses,  (I'm in a slightly mushy mood.  LOL),


Anonymous said...

Yep yep. But that's okay. :D Some people are night owls,some people are morning people. Me,I'm a night owl. *hoot hoot* LOL

Anonymous said...

My hair always did the same thing, would curl under on one side, and out on the always drove me nuts. I'm the same with the driving thing, too. BUT I had my permit for only like a month before I took my driver's test...I was 18 and had to bite the bullet :) I did most of my learning AFTER they gave me a license to drive! I still never get excited about driving.....I love going places, but prefer to be in the passenger seat.


Anonymous said...

You and I are so opposite, Becca! I LOVE DRIVING!!!!! XD

Brooke said...


How have you been? It's been so long! What's your new blog address?

I hope you have been doing well!
