Friday, August 8, 2008

Pizza night ~ Quiz results


I'm doing pretty well at posting, I think. :-) A second post already! That is, if you call this a "real post"..... I love doing quizzes, so, mostly, I'm posting those. But I promise I'll give a "real post" sometime soon!

Tonight is pizza-and-a-movie night. We've been having pizza on Friday night for as long as I can remember; I believe it started when my younger brother was a baby. Since he's nearly 13, it's been going on awhile! We change it to Saturday or Sunday night sometimes when our schedule is a little crazy, but usually, it's Friday. Mama makes her own pizza, which is delicious, and even if the movie is corny or a little on the weird end, it's a lot of fun. :-)

So, onto the quiz results! Note: I am both 60s and 70s, because I need both my hairbrush and my sunglasses. The two are of the same importance.

What Your Taste in Music Says About You

Your musical tastes are intense and rebellious.
You are intelligent... but in a very unconventional way.
You are curious about the world. You love doing something new.
In fact, you enjoy taking risks and doing things most people would shy away from.
You are very physical. It's likely that you're athletic, but not into team sports.
You have the soul of an artist. Beauty and harmony are important to you.

What Does Your Taste in Music Say About You?

You are a 1960s Diva

Bold dresses, funky boots, bright patterns.

You have an eye for fashion - and make trends timeless!

You are a 1970s Diva

Bell bottoms, platform shoes, wide belts, and tons of polyester.
You've got a bit of that hippie vibe going on, but you're hip enough to pull it off!

You Are a Spork

You have a playful, eccentric sense of humor.
You are creative. You see the world in bold colors.
You are a dabbler. You love to experiment.
You aren't an expert in anything, but you know a little about everything.

What Utensil Are You?
See, now wasn't that fun?


Anonymous said...

lol - that's funny! "spork!"

Anonymous said...

so i took the utensil quiz.

and i'm a fork.

not sure how i feel about that.