Sunday, November 30, 2008

Oh, it's the most wonderful time of the year....


   I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Ours was really nice. I love holidays.  ☺

   Mama took Nanny, Mary, and I Black Friday shopping with her! I'd never been before, but I had a lot of fun. I want to go again next year. ☺ We picked up my friend Laura and her mom on our way to town. Even though it required getting up very, very early, it was nice!

   Laura came home with us for a few hours, then Daddy took us both over to her house, and  I spent the night. That was lots of fun, as usual!

   I got a "Frost & Glow" kit at Walgreens, and Mama put the dye in my hair on Friday afternoon. It turned out nicely. Not a extremely noticeable difference, like, "Oh my, your hair looks awful!", or anything like that; just a few different shades of reddish- and blondish-brown running through my hair. So now my hair doesn't resemble its usual dirt-like self.  ☺  Now if I can go get some bangs, my hair transformation will be complete..... hint, hint, Mummy......  LOL

   Our cows got out this morning. So Daddy, Thomas, and I put them back where they belonged. My job generally isn't hard; I just have to stand somewhere to keep them from going the wrong way. It only gets interesting when the cow wants to go that way, despite your standing there. Then you have to kind of bounce around, and make them go the other way.

   Our house is about halfway decorated now. There's a few more boxes to dig out of the attic, and Thomas gets the job of putting lights up on the house. We bought 5 red pointsettias at Home Depot, and one is for my room, so that it won't look bare and gloomy.

   I'm going to change my blog; now I can make it look festive!!  ☺



Anonymous said...

Hi Becca ~ I'm glad you had a good Thanksgiving! I went shopping on Black Friday this year too, and I never have before. It was definitely an experience. Lol.


Brooke said...

Your blog is looking nice, Becca!! Great Christmas look :)

We just decorated the Christmas tree tonight. So much fun. It's finally started to feel like Christmas now.

I've never dyed my hair or have done any of the highlight kind of things either. I did get some bangs cut yesterday though. I thought it was time for something new, if you know what I mean. Glad you're liking yours!

I forgot that you have cows! You must live deep in the country. I bet that's nice.

I sent you an e-mail. I hope it's the right e-mail address! Let me know if you didn't receive it ;)

Have a great week!


Brooke said...

Oh man, apparently it wasn't the right e-mail because I just received one saying mine to you didn't send. Could you please e-mail it to me or put it in a comment, or even send a private message on HSB? Any way you'd like would be great :)
