I hope everyone had a GREAT Christmas! Ours was awesome. Lots of fun, and good times. We got a Wii! Yay! :D It was fun to see Grammy, Pappy, and Aunt Nina unwrap the scarves I had made for them. I love giving presents.
It's been so nice having some of our family here. Aunt Nina is leaving today, and her visit has been lots of fun. We went driving around where the Amish live on Saturday, and we got fried pies. Yummmm. I'll miss having her here, but hopefully she can come visit again before too terribly long.
Granny and Grandpa surprised us by arriving yesterday! We didn't know they were coming up. It's nice to see them again. Granny brought up two huge suitcases full of lots of clothes and some shoes for me from Aunt Penny. I was so happy! My whole room looks like a closet right now, but that's okay. They also brought us some mullet, (which is a type of fish). We haven't had mullet in a few years, so that was a treat. I wanted a piece of key lime pie with it, but we have an overabundance of chocolate right now, so more suar is the last thing I need! I'd prefer to still fit in my jeans by the time the candy is gone, thank you very much. Then again, I can burn it all off on the Wii Fit... LOL
I re-did my blog, as you can see. All new music, too. Sorry to anyone who doesn't like country music. But I do like it. *grin* You can always turn it off..... or you can leave it on and maybe you'll find a new song to love? Who knows. :)
I'm not sure what we're doing for New Year's Eve. I might be spending the night at a friend's house, if Daddy says it's okay. It'd be nice to go over again; ee haven't seen each other for more than a few minutes since the day after Thanksgiving.
Oh yeah, and my title is thanks to my love for "Daydream Believer" by the Monkees. I danced to that song in one of my recitals... such fun. :)
It's about time to leave, so I need to leave. Ciao!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
I can't think of a nice catchy title... as usual
Yesterday we went shopping. Mama had some Christmas gifts to buy, and we all got to go along... we just had to disappear for awhile while she bought them. :-)
Today, we're baking cookies for the cookie swap, which is tomorrow! YAY! Anna's coming, so I'll get to see her for awhile. And there will be lots of cookies, which is always a pleasant thing. :-) Mama's also baking a cake for my piano teacher, so we'll probably be in the kitchen all day.
It's been gray and windy outside for a few days. Yesterday, it was really foggy as well. I love days like that.
I can't believe Christmas is only 6 days away!
I need to go; I have to give the Penny and her puppies a bath, and then I need to start baking cookies!
Yesterday we went shopping. Mama had some Christmas gifts to buy, and we all got to go along... we just had to disappear for awhile while she bought them. :-)
Today, we're baking cookies for the cookie swap, which is tomorrow! YAY! Anna's coming, so I'll get to see her for awhile. And there will be lots of cookies, which is always a pleasant thing. :-) Mama's also baking a cake for my piano teacher, so we'll probably be in the kitchen all day.
It's been gray and windy outside for a few days. Yesterday, it was really foggy as well. I love days like that.
I can't believe Christmas is only 6 days away!
I need to go; I have to give the Penny and her puppies a bath, and then I need to start baking cookies!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Ramblings about how I have cold hands and other stuff
My hands are really cold right now. Of course, my hands are always cold, (Daddy asks me alot if I've stuck them in a freezer! ), but I usually don't feel it so very much. Besides, I'd look like a dork if I wore gloves all the time, and you can't open doors or work on anything slippery or delicate while wearing gloves. Oh well. I love winter anyway!
I cleaned my room and put up Christmas lights along the perimeter of the celing this afternoon. It looks like there are black vines crawling on my walls, but once it's dark, they should look neat.
We're breaking from school after tomorrow. We have Christmas crafts and planning to do, and since we're homeschoolers, I can work on school in July if I need to. Not that I want to still be doing school in July!
This post was going to be much longer, but Mama told me to be done with the computer. Ta-ta!
My hands are really cold right now. Of course, my hands are always cold, (Daddy asks me alot if I've stuck them in a freezer! ), but I usually don't feel it so very much. Besides, I'd look like a dork if I wore gloves all the time, and you can't open doors or work on anything slippery or delicate while wearing gloves. Oh well. I love winter anyway!
I cleaned my room and put up Christmas lights along the perimeter of the celing this afternoon. It looks like there are black vines crawling on my walls, but once it's dark, they should look neat.
We're breaking from school after tomorrow. We have Christmas crafts and planning to do, and since we're homeschoolers, I can work on school in July if I need to. Not that I want to still be doing school in July!
This post was going to be much longer, but Mama told me to be done with the computer. Ta-ta!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Oh, it's the most wonderful time of the year....
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Ours was really nice. I love holidays. ☺
Mama took Nanny, Mary, and I Black Friday shopping with her! I'd never been before, but I had a lot of fun. I want to go again next year. ☺ We picked up my friend Laura and her mom on our way to town. Even though it required getting up very, very early, it was nice!
Laura came home with us for a few hours, then Daddy took us both over to her house, and I spent the night. That was lots of fun, as usual!
I got a "Frost & Glow" kit at Walgreens, and Mama put the dye in my hair on Friday afternoon. It turned out nicely. Not a extremely noticeable difference, like, "Oh my, your hair looks awful!", or anything like that; just a few different shades of reddish- and blondish-brown running through my hair. So now my hair doesn't resemble its usual dirt-like self. ☺ Now if I can go get some bangs, my hair transformation will be complete..... hint, hint, Mummy...... LOL
Our cows got out this morning. So Daddy, Thomas, and I put them back where they belonged. My job generally isn't hard; I just have to stand somewhere to keep them from going the wrong way. It only gets interesting when the cow wants to go that way, despite your standing there. Then you have to kind of bounce around, and make them go the other way.
Our house is about halfway decorated now. There's a few more boxes to dig out of the attic, and Thomas gets the job of putting lights up on the house. We bought 5 red pointsettias at Home Depot, and one is for my room, so that it won't look bare and gloomy.
I'm going to change my blog; now I can make it look festive!! ☺
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Ours was really nice. I love holidays. ☺
Mama took Nanny, Mary, and I Black Friday shopping with her! I'd never been before, but I had a lot of fun. I want to go again next year. ☺ We picked up my friend Laura and her mom on our way to town. Even though it required getting up very, very early, it was nice!
Laura came home with us for a few hours, then Daddy took us both over to her house, and I spent the night. That was lots of fun, as usual!
I got a "Frost & Glow" kit at Walgreens, and Mama put the dye in my hair on Friday afternoon. It turned out nicely. Not a extremely noticeable difference, like, "Oh my, your hair looks awful!", or anything like that; just a few different shades of reddish- and blondish-brown running through my hair. So now my hair doesn't resemble its usual dirt-like self. ☺ Now if I can go get some bangs, my hair transformation will be complete..... hint, hint, Mummy...... LOL
Our cows got out this morning. So Daddy, Thomas, and I put them back where they belonged. My job generally isn't hard; I just have to stand somewhere to keep them from going the wrong way. It only gets interesting when the cow wants to go that way, despite your standing there. Then you have to kind of bounce around, and make them go the other way.
Our house is about halfway decorated now. There's a few more boxes to dig out of the attic, and Thomas gets the job of putting lights up on the house. We bought 5 red pointsettias at Home Depot, and one is for my room, so that it won't look bare and gloomy.
I'm going to change my blog; now I can make it look festive!! ☺
black friday,

Friday, November 21, 2008
"Like a thief in the night, like a runaway train"
Today we had our Keepers/Contenders of the Faith meeting. The boys made wood models, but I was more excited about the girls' projects: homemade peanut butter cups, rock candy, and chocolate covered pretzels! I made the last two before, but I'd never tried making peanut butter cups. They turned out soooo yummy. I ate two, and they didn't help my sweet tooth one little bit! If I could, I'd probably eat three more. Thankfully, there's only one left of the five I made, and I'm saving it for Daddy. I'll force myself to be good. ☺
I ordered two shirts from Abort73.com on Tuesday, and they arrived today! One says "Love Lets Live", but my favorie says this: "Would It Bother Us More If They Used Guns?" On the main site, the guns one was sold out, but I found it in the clearance section. I'll happily wear them! I hope that it makes people go look at the website, ("Abort73.com" is printed underneath each slogan.) The website is great. There's an article rebutting every "reason" for abortion. Since abortion is a subject that I care deeply about, I want to spread the word.
We found out that Granny, Aunt Penny, and Sushi won't be coming up until Easter. But that way, they won't freeze, since they're Florida people and all....... mainly Granny freezes..... LOL (Love ya, Granny!)
But Grammy, Pappy, and Aunt Nina are definitely coming! YAY!! ☺
My current favorite band is Third Day. Their lyrics are awesome, and Mama and I both love the lead singer's voice. ☺ They were in concert a few months ago, with Switchfoot and Jars of Clay, but I never looked at the dates or ticket prices, and so we didn't go. Also, Shadowfeet, by Brooke Fraser is really good. It's on my playlist. ☺
I need to go now.
Today we had our Keepers/Contenders of the Faith meeting. The boys made wood models, but I was more excited about the girls' projects: homemade peanut butter cups, rock candy, and chocolate covered pretzels! I made the last two before, but I'd never tried making peanut butter cups. They turned out soooo yummy. I ate two, and they didn't help my sweet tooth one little bit! If I could, I'd probably eat three more. Thankfully, there's only one left of the five I made, and I'm saving it for Daddy. I'll force myself to be good. ☺
I ordered two shirts from Abort73.com on Tuesday, and they arrived today! One says "Love Lets Live", but my favorie says this: "Would It Bother Us More If They Used Guns?" On the main site, the guns one was sold out, but I found it in the clearance section. I'll happily wear them! I hope that it makes people go look at the website, ("Abort73.com" is printed underneath each slogan.) The website is great. There's an article rebutting every "reason" for abortion. Since abortion is a subject that I care deeply about, I want to spread the word.
We found out that Granny, Aunt Penny, and Sushi won't be coming up until Easter. But that way, they won't freeze, since they're Florida people and all....... mainly Granny freezes..... LOL (Love ya, Granny!)
But Grammy, Pappy, and Aunt Nina are definitely coming! YAY!! ☺
My current favorite band is Third Day. Their lyrics are awesome, and Mama and I both love the lead singer's voice. ☺ They were in concert a few months ago, with Switchfoot and Jars of Clay, but I never looked at the dates or ticket prices, and so we didn't go. Also, Shadowfeet, by Brooke Fraser is really good. It's on my playlist. ☺
I need to go now.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
La di da
Today was so much fun! My friend Anna came over yesterday evening and spent the night, and then she and I went over to our other friends' house this morning. I ended up spending all day with Anna, Cami, Becky, Charlotte, and Nanny, which was great. ☺ Cami made a skirt from a pair of jeans and had everyone sign it. She made one for Nanny awhile ago, and she said she'd make me one too. Yay! ☺ It ends up looking really cool, covered with signatures and drawings.
Do y'all like my new template? I wanted something holiday-themed, but not necessarily Thanksgiving or Christmas. Just a theme to celebrate that the holidays are coming.
I'm playing with the Hair Makeover Tool. I'm growing my hair longer, but in the meantime, I want some layers or something. I can't decide. I think my problem is that I really want it longer again, but I don't want to wait for it to grow five or six more inches. My hair grows fast, but.... still... that's awhile to wait. So I want to get it cut differently, but I don't know how.
My goodness, I sound so shallow! All I can talk about is visiting with friends and my hair. I promise, I did do something productive since I posted last! Not that spending time with friends isn't productive, but... I don't want my life to ever be just fun and games all the time, shallow and fickle, because there's way more to life than that. Plus, people who never work or do anything hard drive me crazy. They just annoy me. ☺ It's like, "Go do something! Help someone, think about something other than having a good time!"
Anyhoo, I'll write more later.
Today was so much fun! My friend Anna came over yesterday evening and spent the night, and then she and I went over to our other friends' house this morning. I ended up spending all day with Anna, Cami, Becky, Charlotte, and Nanny, which was great. ☺ Cami made a skirt from a pair of jeans and had everyone sign it. She made one for Nanny awhile ago, and she said she'd make me one too. Yay! ☺ It ends up looking really cool, covered with signatures and drawings.
Do y'all like my new template? I wanted something holiday-themed, but not necessarily Thanksgiving or Christmas. Just a theme to celebrate that the holidays are coming.
I'm playing with the Hair Makeover Tool. I'm growing my hair longer, but in the meantime, I want some layers or something. I can't decide. I think my problem is that I really want it longer again, but I don't want to wait for it to grow five or six more inches. My hair grows fast, but.... still... that's awhile to wait. So I want to get it cut differently, but I don't know how.
My goodness, I sound so shallow! All I can talk about is visiting with friends and my hair. I promise, I did do something productive since I posted last! Not that spending time with friends isn't productive, but... I don't want my life to ever be just fun and games all the time, shallow and fickle, because there's way more to life than that. Plus, people who never work or do anything hard drive me crazy. They just annoy me. ☺ It's like, "Go do something! Help someone, think about something other than having a good time!"
Anyhoo, I'll write more later.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Third time's a charm ☺
This is the third time I've tried to post. The computer is obviously deciding that my posts aren't important, because it keeps closing everything right when I'm in the middle of a post! Needless to say, this is going to be short, because I don't feel like re-typing everything.
First off, I'm not going to post about the election. I'm not scared to say what I believe, or how I think America has messed up. I'm disappointed because things didn't go the way I wanted. However, I know that God has more control than any President ever dreamed of having. But so many people are writing about the election that my thoughts would just get lost in the midst of everyone else's prayers, opinions, and rants. My Mama wrote a terrific post and I agree with everything she said, wholeheartedly.
I'm so ready for it to get cold! I could've worn shorts today, if they're weren't all packed away! It's ridiculous. How am I supposed to go into full holiday mode when all the windows are open and there isn't any nip in the air? ☺
I checked out Casablanca and Breakfast At Tiffany's when I was at the library. I've wanted to see both movies for a long time, so I'm happy to have them, even if it's just for a week. ☺ I was going to watch one tonight, since Thomas and the girls have friends over. But Thomas wanted to watch a movie with Charles. So instead, I'm going to start a new book. The trouble is deciding which book to read...
My friend Becky invited me to go riding again! Thomas wants to try it too, which means that he'd ride Jasmine, and I wouldn't get to ride that wonderfully slow horse. I'll let you know how it goes.
I have to go. My beautiful, long post cannot be, because my time is all gone. More later! Au revoir!
This is the third time I've tried to post. The computer is obviously deciding that my posts aren't important, because it keeps closing everything right when I'm in the middle of a post! Needless to say, this is going to be short, because I don't feel like re-typing everything.
First off, I'm not going to post about the election. I'm not scared to say what I believe, or how I think America has messed up. I'm disappointed because things didn't go the way I wanted. However, I know that God has more control than any President ever dreamed of having. But so many people are writing about the election that my thoughts would just get lost in the midst of everyone else's prayers, opinions, and rants. My Mama wrote a terrific post and I agree with everything she said, wholeheartedly.
I'm so ready for it to get cold! I could've worn shorts today, if they're weren't all packed away! It's ridiculous. How am I supposed to go into full holiday mode when all the windows are open and there isn't any nip in the air? ☺
I checked out Casablanca and Breakfast At Tiffany's when I was at the library. I've wanted to see both movies for a long time, so I'm happy to have them, even if it's just for a week. ☺ I was going to watch one tonight, since Thomas and the girls have friends over. But Thomas wanted to watch a movie with Charles. So instead, I'm going to start a new book. The trouble is deciding which book to read...
My friend Becky invited me to go riding again! Thomas wants to try it too, which means that he'd ride Jasmine, and I wouldn't get to ride that wonderfully slow horse. I'll let you know how it goes.
I have to go. My beautiful, long post cannot be, because my time is all gone. More later! Au revoir!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I can't think of a good title. ☺
Just a quick note today. I'm in the middle of rearranging my room, (Noting major, like moving my bed or bookshelf.), and I need to finish that.
We went to the mall on Tuesday. It was a lot of fun! We only go there three or four times a year, because it's a good bit away from where we live. We also went to a music store, a leather store, Publix, Target, and a restuarant for lunch. Since Daddy's on vacation, he went with us, which was great! I like it better when we're all together. I couldn't stand being in a family where everyone's separate, each person doing their own thing with barely any interaction with the others. Ew. I mean, I like being alone sometimes, but I get tired of myself after awhile. I need other people... mainly my family.
My new favorite song is To Bring You Back by Paul Alan. (It's on my playlist; the very last song.) I love the chorus:
Just a quick note today. I'm in the middle of rearranging my room, (Noting major, like moving my bed or bookshelf.), and I need to finish that.
We went to the mall on Tuesday. It was a lot of fun! We only go there three or four times a year, because it's a good bit away from where we live. We also went to a music store, a leather store, Publix, Target, and a restuarant for lunch. Since Daddy's on vacation, he went with us, which was great! I like it better when we're all together. I couldn't stand being in a family where everyone's separate, each person doing their own thing with barely any interaction with the others. Ew. I mean, I like being alone sometimes, but I get tired of myself after awhile. I need other people... mainly my family.
My new favorite song is To Bring You Back by Paul Alan. (It's on my playlist; the very last song.) I love the chorus:
"And I left the ninety-nine to find the one
and you're the one
I walked a thousand miles in this desert sun
Only to bring you back"
Okay, now I'm off to work on my room. I hope I'll be done before too long!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
"A thousand miles seems pretty far, but they've got plains, and trains, and cars. I'd walk to you if I had no other way...."
On Wednesday I got to try horseback riding for the first time. It was great! I still don't understand horse craziness, but I can understand why people love riding so much. And it was great to spend time with my friends Cami, Becky, and Charlotte. Surprisingly, I wasn't very sore at all the next day!
I'm in a total holiday mood now. I think it started about a week ago. I'm going to be like this - a house-decorating, cookie-making, hot-cocoa-drinking, festive holiday person - until January. I love holidays. :-) I know most teenagers probably aren't like that, but I can't help it! On Tuesday, the girls and I drank hot cocoa and watched Christmas shows that were taped 5 or 6 years ago. The kicker is that it was in the 70s outside!
Jane Eyre is still going great, but I'm not as overjoyed with it as I was. It's still one of my favorites.... I just wish things were going differently. I like happily-ever-after, and right now, it's not so happy. Jane just found Hannah, Diana, Mary, and St. John. (I still don't get why he's called St. John. He's just a man who's a minister.) But anyway, I skipped to the end and found out that it ends the way I want, so I'm not too disappointed!
I think I started a trend in my family. LOL Now both my Grammy and my Granny have FaceBooks, and so does my Aunt Penny. Mama and Thomas do too. I need to work on Sushi.... :-D So now we can all waste time on FaceBook! Yay!
We watched Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed last night. I thought it was really good! I was amazed to see how the Dawkins guy went from completely disagreeing with Intelligent Design to saying that it was a plausible theory! Oh yeah, and this was his "plausible theory": He thinks that Earth was "seeded" by "intelligent beings from another planet". Wow. So now we were planted by passing aliens? I'm sorry to anybody who agrees with that idea, but it's absurdly stupid! God has to be completely taken out of things, but then the Godless theories can't answer questions. So there still has to be a more intelligent creator, (Or there's always those random alien gardeners). Why not believe that that Creator is God?
A few parts were hard to watch. The scenes in the asylum and the concentration camp from WW II sent chills down my spine. Just like scenes from movies and books set in concentration camps from WW II always do. And the parts with Dawkins, (I think his first name was Richard? Not sure.), were especially bad, to me.
I put a bunch of new music on my playlist. As well as this new fall-ish background. I don't know how long it will stay like this. LOL
Oh yeah, and my title is from 'Hey There Delilah', by the Plain White Tees.
On Wednesday I got to try horseback riding for the first time. It was great! I still don't understand horse craziness, but I can understand why people love riding so much. And it was great to spend time with my friends Cami, Becky, and Charlotte. Surprisingly, I wasn't very sore at all the next day!
I'm in a total holiday mood now. I think it started about a week ago. I'm going to be like this - a house-decorating, cookie-making, hot-cocoa-drinking, festive holiday person - until January. I love holidays. :-) I know most teenagers probably aren't like that, but I can't help it! On Tuesday, the girls and I drank hot cocoa and watched Christmas shows that were taped 5 or 6 years ago. The kicker is that it was in the 70s outside!
Jane Eyre is still going great, but I'm not as overjoyed with it as I was. It's still one of my favorites.... I just wish things were going differently. I like happily-ever-after, and right now, it's not so happy. Jane just found Hannah, Diana, Mary, and St. John. (I still don't get why he's called St. John. He's just a man who's a minister.) But anyway, I skipped to the end and found out that it ends the way I want, so I'm not too disappointed!
I think I started a trend in my family. LOL Now both my Grammy and my Granny have FaceBooks, and so does my Aunt Penny. Mama and Thomas do too. I need to work on Sushi.... :-D So now we can all waste time on FaceBook! Yay!
We watched Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed last night. I thought it was really good! I was amazed to see how the Dawkins guy went from completely disagreeing with Intelligent Design to saying that it was a plausible theory! Oh yeah, and this was his "plausible theory": He thinks that Earth was "seeded" by "intelligent beings from another planet". Wow. So now we were planted by passing aliens? I'm sorry to anybody who agrees with that idea, but it's absurdly stupid! God has to be completely taken out of things, but then the Godless theories can't answer questions. So there still has to be a more intelligent creator, (Or there's always those random alien gardeners). Why not believe that that Creator is God?
A few parts were hard to watch. The scenes in the asylum and the concentration camp from WW II sent chills down my spine. Just like scenes from movies and books set in concentration camps from WW II always do. And the parts with Dawkins, (I think his first name was Richard? Not sure.), were especially bad, to me.
I put a bunch of new music on my playlist. As well as this new fall-ish background. I don't know how long it will stay like this. LOL
Oh yeah, and my title is from 'Hey There Delilah', by the Plain White Tees.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
I decided to write a new post, since I'm sure that people are going crazy waiting for a new one..... not. :-D
Are you tired of my last post yet? :-)
I spent the last two nights at my friend's house, which was really fun! (Thanks for having me over, Laura!)
My sister Natalie got her ears pierced in August, and she was able to take out the first studs on Thursday. She had to leave out her earring in one ear on Friday, because it was hurting her, and we wanted to keep any infection away with cleaner. Apparently, the earring was out for too long, because the piercing started to close up! Oops. Just a minute ago, Mama poked the earring back through, and I distracted Nan by telling her that if she didn't get it poked through, she'd be a pirate with one gold hoop, and we'd get her a fake wooden leg and a parrot named Fred, et cetera.
Granny and Grandpa got here on the 10th, and they left on the 17th. Their visit was very nice. It was good to see them both!
I'm really looking forward to Christmas. I mean, I look forward to Christmastime every year, but this year will be Fun. Every other year has been fun too, but... you know what I mean! This year, we get to have Grammy and Pappy here, and - I just found this out a few days ago - we get Auntie Nina as well! Yay! :-D It's awesome that's she coming down here. I prefer holidays with more people around. The more the merrier and all that. Plus, Granny, Aunt Penny. and Sushi are coming up right after Christmas. :-D
I'm to the part in Jane Eyre where, (If you've never read the book then don't read this any further!), Jane and Mr. Rochester are getting married. I love the part that says that religion was far from Jane's mind at that time; that she couldn't see the Creator because she was so blinded by and in love with His creation. The way Charlotte Bronte wrote that passage just seemed like a really beautiful way describe something like that, to put in words the way we can become blind to the Lord because we get distracted by His creation.
Right now, I love the song Lose My Soul by TobyMac. It's on my playlist at the bottom of my blog, if you want to hear it.
I need to go now; we're eating dinner in a little bit. We're having pizza and watching Miss Pettigew Lives For a Day. I'll let you know how it is.
Are you tired of my last post yet? :-)
I spent the last two nights at my friend's house, which was really fun! (Thanks for having me over, Laura!)
My sister Natalie got her ears pierced in August, and she was able to take out the first studs on Thursday. She had to leave out her earring in one ear on Friday, because it was hurting her, and we wanted to keep any infection away with cleaner. Apparently, the earring was out for too long, because the piercing started to close up! Oops. Just a minute ago, Mama poked the earring back through, and I distracted Nan by telling her that if she didn't get it poked through, she'd be a pirate with one gold hoop, and we'd get her a fake wooden leg and a parrot named Fred, et cetera.
Granny and Grandpa got here on the 10th, and they left on the 17th. Their visit was very nice. It was good to see them both!
I'm really looking forward to Christmas. I mean, I look forward to Christmastime every year, but this year will be Fun. Every other year has been fun too, but... you know what I mean! This year, we get to have Grammy and Pappy here, and - I just found this out a few days ago - we get Auntie Nina as well! Yay! :-D It's awesome that's she coming down here. I prefer holidays with more people around. The more the merrier and all that. Plus, Granny, Aunt Penny. and Sushi are coming up right after Christmas. :-D
I'm to the part in Jane Eyre where, (If you've never read the book then don't read this any further!), Jane and Mr. Rochester are getting married. I love the part that says that religion was far from Jane's mind at that time; that she couldn't see the Creator because she was so blinded by and in love with His creation. The way Charlotte Bronte wrote that passage just seemed like a really beautiful way describe something like that, to put in words the way we can become blind to the Lord because we get distracted by His creation.
Right now, I love the song Lose My Soul by TobyMac. It's on my playlist at the bottom of my blog, if you want to hear it.
I need to go now; we're eating dinner in a little bit. We're having pizza and watching Miss Pettigew Lives For a Day. I'll let you know how it is.
ear piercing,
family visits,
jane eyre,

Friday, October 3, 2008
Oh my! A post! *grin*
Sorry for not updating! I'm bad about that, as you can tell. :-)
On http://www.handbagplanet.com, you can register to win a purse! There are some really cute ones! I picked the blue hobo bag. :-) And posting that, I earn 25 more entries! Yay! LOL
I've been listening to "Jane Eyre" on my iPod. I love it, and I'm only on Chapter 5! Jane reminds me of myself, in some ways. I'm generally the girl in the background, reading a book, or not saying much, though not for all the same reasons as Jane. (Unless you get me around certain people!) I like Bessie, even if she is harsh sometimes. As for the Reed children? They're the definition of spoiled brats! And Mrs. Reed was so mean!
(By the way, if you have iTunes, you can go to the iTunes store, search for "Lit2Go", and it will bring up several audio books that you can download for free. They're good quality, and that fact that they're free is really nice; some audiobooks on iTunes cost $20!)
I'm reading "Wives and Daughters" as well. I really like the movie, and the book is just as good! I'm finding that I like classic books a lot. There's so much more substance in them, and the use of words is amazing. I wish people still talked and wrote like that! You get so much more out of the story, and you can paint a clear picture in your mind of the scenes, the people, etc.
Tonight is pizza and a movie night. We're watching "Nicholas Nickleby". It sounds interesting. Hopefully it will turn out to be very good!
Tomorrow we're going grocery shopping. I need to buy some blue jeans, because I only have one pair now. We're also going to the library. They have "Funnyface" in now, which I had reserved, so I'll get that. I'm hoping that the book I wanted to get last week will be in too.
I need to go; Mary is dancing around the house, waiting for me to be done!
Sorry for not updating! I'm bad about that, as you can tell. :-)
On http://www.handbagplanet.com, you can register to win a purse! There are some really cute ones! I picked the blue hobo bag. :-) And posting that, I earn 25 more entries! Yay! LOL
I've been listening to "Jane Eyre" on my iPod. I love it, and I'm only on Chapter 5! Jane reminds me of myself, in some ways. I'm generally the girl in the background, reading a book, or not saying much, though not for all the same reasons as Jane. (Unless you get me around certain people!) I like Bessie, even if she is harsh sometimes. As for the Reed children? They're the definition of spoiled brats! And Mrs. Reed was so mean!
(By the way, if you have iTunes, you can go to the iTunes store, search for "Lit2Go", and it will bring up several audio books that you can download for free. They're good quality, and that fact that they're free is really nice; some audiobooks on iTunes cost $20!)
I'm reading "Wives and Daughters" as well. I really like the movie, and the book is just as good! I'm finding that I like classic books a lot. There's so much more substance in them, and the use of words is amazing. I wish people still talked and wrote like that! You get so much more out of the story, and you can paint a clear picture in your mind of the scenes, the people, etc.
Tonight is pizza and a movie night. We're watching "Nicholas Nickleby". It sounds interesting. Hopefully it will turn out to be very good!
Tomorrow we're going grocery shopping. I need to buy some blue jeans, because I only have one pair now. We're also going to the library. They have "Funnyface" in now, which I had reserved, so I'll get that. I'm hoping that the book I wanted to get last week will be in too.
I need to go; Mary is dancing around the house, waiting for me to be done!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
My Day ~ Sugar ~ My Room
Today has gone really well so far. We've gotten a lot done, which is always nice. I love things to be organized and neat, so when I started picking up the feed buckets and the bicycles that were sitting helter-skelter around our shed, I felt like I needed to do more than the usual picking up. I got the kids to help me carry all the cinder blocks from the yard over to the fence so they could be stacked, and then Thomas, Daddy, and I cleaned up all the fence wire that was on the side of the shed. It looks much neater now.
Then I came inside to find Mama baking... ah. I'm pretty good friends with my sweet tooth, so when she bakes, it's a catch 22. I like the sweets, but I don't like the fact that after I indulge in sweets, there are that many more calories that I'll have to work off. I have a considerable amount of willpower.... but sugar is yummy... LOL
I worked on my room some more too. My room is constantly evolving. Right now, the curtains are dark purple and they reach the floor, with white valances. I have black-and-white pictures of Paris on the walls, and they contrast well with all the colors on my pillows, bedspread, etc. :-) What can I say? I like things to 'pop', and I like decorating!
Anyway, enough of all that boring stuff.
Today has gone really well so far. We've gotten a lot done, which is always nice. I love things to be organized and neat, so when I started picking up the feed buckets and the bicycles that were sitting helter-skelter around our shed, I felt like I needed to do more than the usual picking up. I got the kids to help me carry all the cinder blocks from the yard over to the fence so they could be stacked, and then Thomas, Daddy, and I cleaned up all the fence wire that was on the side of the shed. It looks much neater now.
Then I came inside to find Mama baking... ah. I'm pretty good friends with my sweet tooth, so when she bakes, it's a catch 22. I like the sweets, but I don't like the fact that after I indulge in sweets, there are that many more calories that I'll have to work off. I have a considerable amount of willpower.... but sugar is yummy... LOL
I worked on my room some more too. My room is constantly evolving. Right now, the curtains are dark purple and they reach the floor, with white valances. I have black-and-white pictures of Paris on the walls, and they contrast well with all the colors on my pillows, bedspread, etc. :-) What can I say? I like things to 'pop', and I like decorating!
Anyway, enough of all that boring stuff.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Talk Like A Pirate Day
In honor of this most auspicious occasion that celebrates the wondrous habit of talking in oftentimes un-understandable gibberish, I have taken a quiz to see how much of a pirate I truly am. Here are the results:
In honor of this most auspicious occasion that celebrates the wondrous habit of talking in oftentimes un-understandable gibberish, I have taken a quiz to see how much of a pirate I truly am. Here are the results:
You Are 60% Pirate |
Garrrr, yer a true pirate down to yer bones. Yer an originial sea dog, an' ye certainly have earned yer sea legs. No one be goin' to accuse ye o' bein' a landlubber. Ye got yer eye on the prize, an' yer willin' to go pillagin' fer some booty. |
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Wow, I'm lazy about posting. Sorry! I know it's a lame excuse, but I have been busy.
It's finally cooling off here. Yay! I made apple quick for desert on the first day it was cool. I don't think I'd made it before, but it turned out tasting really good.
School is going well. I've been practing piano a lot more, because Daddy told me that I was going to learn how to play an instrument. :-) Since I'm in Level 4, and there are six levels, I'm not a super-long way away from finishing. I'm glad that he wants me to learn, because I really do like playing. It's just that I can be a slacker about practicing. And I don't really like admitting that!
I like this time of year because it means over the next few months, I'll see several members of my family who I don't see very often. Granny and Grandpa will be here in a few weeks for a couple of days. Then Grammy and Pappy will be here up until Christmas, if they have the same schedule they've had in the past. A few days after Christmas, Granny will come up again, as well as Aunt Penny and maybe Sushi. :-) So that will all be fun.
Anyway, I need to go. I'll try to post again soon.... no promises though.
Wow, I'm lazy about posting. Sorry! I know it's a lame excuse, but I have been busy.
It's finally cooling off here. Yay! I made apple quick for desert on the first day it was cool. I don't think I'd made it before, but it turned out tasting really good.
School is going well. I've been practing piano a lot more, because Daddy told me that I was going to learn how to play an instrument. :-) Since I'm in Level 4, and there are six levels, I'm not a super-long way away from finishing. I'm glad that he wants me to learn, because I really do like playing. It's just that I can be a slacker about practicing. And I don't really like admitting that!
I like this time of year because it means over the next few months, I'll see several members of my family who I don't see very often. Granny and Grandpa will be here in a few weeks for a couple of days. Then Grammy and Pappy will be here up until Christmas, if they have the same schedule they've had in the past. A few days after Christmas, Granny will come up again, as well as Aunt Penny and maybe Sushi. :-) So that will all be fun.
Anyway, I need to go. I'll try to post again soon.... no promises though.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
North & South ~ Birthday party ~ Re-arranging
I'm already wanting to change my background. :) I can't help it!
We watched North & South over last night and the night before. It's broken into four long episodes, so we watched two each night. I loved it! Now I really want to read the book.
Tomorrow is Natalie and Thomas' joint birthday party. All but one of Thomas' friends are spending the night; our house will be overrun with boys and airsoft guns! None of Natalie's friends are staying the night.
I re-arranged my room. Everyone thought I was strange for doing it, but I hadn't re-arranged in a few months. Honestly, that's more than enough time in between! I traded beds with Mary. So now she has my trundle bed, and I have her wooden-frame bed. I put lots of black-and-white photos of Paris on my wall, and it turned out quite nicely, if I do say so myself!
I need to go now if I want to get this blog "re-arranged"!
I'm already wanting to change my background. :) I can't help it!
We watched North & South over last night and the night before. It's broken into four long episodes, so we watched two each night. I loved it! Now I really want to read the book.
Tomorrow is Natalie and Thomas' joint birthday party. All but one of Thomas' friends are spending the night; our house will be overrun with boys and airsoft guns! None of Natalie's friends are staying the night.
I re-arranged my room. Everyone thought I was strange for doing it, but I hadn't re-arranged in a few months. Honestly, that's more than enough time in between! I traded beds with Mary. So now she has my trundle bed, and I have her wooden-frame bed. I put lots of black-and-white photos of Paris on my wall, and it turned out quite nicely, if I do say so myself!
I need to go now if I want to get this blog "re-arranged"!
elizabeth gaskell,

Friday, August 15, 2008
Library ~ Tomatoes ~ Birthdays ~ Fudgsicles ~ Thoughts
We went to the library on Wednesday, and I saw that they had gotten several Elizabeth Gaskell books. Yay! I've wanted to read Wives & Daughters ever since I saw the movie. I had too many books, (Too many books? Is there such a thing?), and so I couldn't get any more. But next time I go to the library, I fully intend to get Wives & Daughters, North & South, and maybe a few others. Mama checked out the North & South movie without knowing that it was made from a story I wanted to read; I thought it was neat the way that had happened.
Today we are going to go to our friends' house to get some tomatoes. They asked if we'd like some, and we do. :) I'll get to see Laura, which is, as always, great!
Daddy is working from 1-10 today, so we have him here all morning. :D
Thomas and Natalie's birthday parties are coming up. With Thomas and his friends, there will be 10 boys running around with airsoft guns. Natalie and her friends will be probably be dressing up, or jumping on the trampoline.
I love Fudgsicles. Wow, that was random. :) Natalie doesn't like to eat store-bought ice cream, because it gives her a stomachache. So Mama bought some Fudgsicles for her, and all of us kids are eating them.
I wish my blog were more..... interesting. :) Part of me is all proper writing and part of me is like "Oh, whatever. I'll just be as random as I can." And that can translate into everything, not just blogging. I don't really know which part of myself is the "real me", and which part is what I've learned to be. Maybe they're one and the same? As my friends can tell you, I'm different once I get to know someone! LOL Who knows. I guess maybe I'll know someday! For now, I'm content not to.
I'm off to see if Mama needs help with anything.
We went to the library on Wednesday, and I saw that they had gotten several Elizabeth Gaskell books. Yay! I've wanted to read Wives & Daughters ever since I saw the movie. I had too many books, (Too many books? Is there such a thing?), and so I couldn't get any more. But next time I go to the library, I fully intend to get Wives & Daughters, North & South, and maybe a few others. Mama checked out the North & South movie without knowing that it was made from a story I wanted to read; I thought it was neat the way that had happened.
Today we are going to go to our friends' house to get some tomatoes. They asked if we'd like some, and we do. :) I'll get to see Laura, which is, as always, great!
Daddy is working from 1-10 today, so we have him here all morning. :D
Thomas and Natalie's birthday parties are coming up. With Thomas and his friends, there will be 10 boys running around with airsoft guns. Natalie and her friends will be probably be dressing up, or jumping on the trampoline.
I love Fudgsicles. Wow, that was random. :) Natalie doesn't like to eat store-bought ice cream, because it gives her a stomachache. So Mama bought some Fudgsicles for her, and all of us kids are eating them.
I wish my blog were more..... interesting. :) Part of me is all proper writing and part of me is like "Oh, whatever. I'll just be as random as I can." And that can translate into everything, not just blogging. I don't really know which part of myself is the "real me", and which part is what I've learned to be. Maybe they're one and the same? As my friends can tell you, I'm different once I get to know someone! LOL Who knows. I guess maybe I'll know someday! For now, I'm content not to.
I'm off to see if Mama needs help with anything.
elizabeth gaskell,

Friday, August 8, 2008
Pizza night ~ Quiz results
I'm doing pretty well at posting, I think. :-) A second post already! That is, if you call this a "real post"..... I love doing quizzes, so, mostly, I'm posting those. But I promise I'll give a "real post" sometime soon!
Tonight is pizza-and-a-movie night. We've been having pizza on Friday night for as long as I can remember; I believe it started when my younger brother was a baby. Since he's nearly 13, it's been going on awhile! We change it to Saturday or Sunday night sometimes when our schedule is a little crazy, but usually, it's Friday. Mama makes her own pizza, which is delicious, and even if the movie is corny or a little on the weird end, it's a lot of fun. :-)
So, onto the quiz results! Note: I am both 60s and 70s, because I need both my hairbrush and my sunglasses. The two are of the same importance.
What Utensil Are You?
I'm doing pretty well at posting, I think. :-) A second post already! That is, if you call this a "real post"..... I love doing quizzes, so, mostly, I'm posting those. But I promise I'll give a "real post" sometime soon!
Tonight is pizza-and-a-movie night. We've been having pizza on Friday night for as long as I can remember; I believe it started when my younger brother was a baby. Since he's nearly 13, it's been going on awhile! We change it to Saturday or Sunday night sometimes when our schedule is a little crazy, but usually, it's Friday. Mama makes her own pizza, which is delicious, and even if the movie is corny or a little on the weird end, it's a lot of fun. :-)
So, onto the quiz results! Note: I am both 60s and 70s, because I need both my hairbrush and my sunglasses. The two are of the same importance.
What Your Taste in Music Says About You |
Your musical tastes are intense and rebellious. You are intelligent... but in a very unconventional way. You are curious about the world. You love doing something new. In fact, you enjoy taking risks and doing things most people would shy away from. You are very physical. It's likely that you're athletic, but not into team sports. You have the soul of an artist. Beauty and harmony are important to you. |
What Does Your Taste in Music Say About You?
You are a 1960s Diva |
Bold dresses, funky boots, bright patterns. You have an eye for fashion - and make trends timeless! |
You are a 1970s Diva |
Bell bottoms, platform shoes, wide belts, and tons of polyester. You've got a bit of that hippie vibe going on, but you're hip enough to pull it off! |
You Are a Spork |
You have a playful, eccentric sense of humor. You are creative. You see the world in bold colors. You are a dabbler. You love to experiment. You aren't an expert in anything, but you know a little about everything. |
See, now wasn't that fun?
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
New blog ~ Bio
Hello all!
I like this new blog - and I know it's horribly lazy, but I really like being able to get nice templates from another website, and then just put the code in. Like I said, it's lazy, but I like it. :-)
I'm sure most of you who read this are coming from my old blog at HSB, but for those of you who aren't, (And just because it seems right to do so, with this being a new blog and all), I'll tell you a wee little bit about myself. I'm a fifteen-year-old homeschooler, and I'm the oldest of four. My faith in Jesus is really important to me, and I try my best every day to keep Him in the center of my life, right where He deserves to be! My family is the best, (For me anyway), and I love them all an incredibly huge amount. My friends are also great, and although I don't get to see them very often, I love them all dearly. I love music, and I'm working on an awesome playlist for my blog in between typing this. (I like multi-tasking.)
I think that makes a pretty good bio. :-)
More later, ma cheries. I promise!
I like this new blog - and I know it's horribly lazy, but I really like being able to get nice templates from another website, and then just put the code in. Like I said, it's lazy, but I like it. :-)
I'm sure most of you who read this are coming from my old blog at HSB, but for those of you who aren't, (And just because it seems right to do so, with this being a new blog and all), I'll tell you a wee little bit about myself. I'm a fifteen-year-old homeschooler, and I'm the oldest of four. My faith in Jesus is really important to me, and I try my best every day to keep Him in the center of my life, right where He deserves to be! My family is the best, (For me anyway), and I love them all an incredibly huge amount. My friends are also great, and although I don't get to see them very often, I love them all dearly. I love music, and I'm working on an awesome playlist for my blog in between typing this. (I like multi-tasking.)
I think that makes a pretty good bio. :-)
More later, ma cheries. I promise!
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